Felt bad liking this post because it hurt. All I have to offer is this: walk, walk, walk; get out of your office and walk. Walk for an hour a day at least, not on a machine, outside among trees if you can. It's free and it's been working for me since my back packed it in twenty years ago, leaving me unable to walk without assistance. It makes everythig better. I promise.

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Thank you! Yea, shel and I walk every day. Need to get better about constant breaks to walk though. On days I remember, makes a huge difference

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Jun 28Liked by Benjamin Davis

Appreciate all you all do. Two things I do that help: 1) switch mousing or trackpad hand regularly. You will get proficient at the other hand quickly enough. 2) I use a night mouth guard by Oral-B. It REALLY helps with TMJ. Sometimes I wear it in the day if stressed.

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Ah awesome. When I get to the states I will try to find that mouth guard. And good to know with the mouse. Do I need a special mouse to do it?

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Jun 28Liked by Benjamin Davis

Take care of those backs! You're all young (as far as I can tell) and I'm pretty old & I can tell you being old is sketchy enough without adding back troubles. Set your timers. Get up and walk around every 15 minutes. It's annoying as hell, breaks up concentration, etc., but it will pay off in the long run. Also, walk as much as you can & get the best shoes money can buy (dump the heels, assuming anyone young wears them anymore); feet are so very important to long term mobility. Cheers on the good & entertaining work you guys do.

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That is wonderful advice! Thank you. Gosh I have so much trouble finding good shoes but will stop worrying about the price. Definitely realized over the years that for health, it’s better to ignore price and focus on quality

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I'll add emphasis to something Auzin mentioned in her response

Get a good chair. Like, spend more than you think it's worth. I finally did that several years ago, mine is a tempurpedic chair I got on sale at one of the office supply chains. Made a world of difference.

And yes to all the other advice too on posture, taking breaks, yoga, stretching etc. And get PT for specific pains if you can afford it. PT is great.

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Thank you. Yeah my brother has no troubles with this sort of thing and his chair is like $700

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Jun 28Liked by Benjamin Davis

BTW: have you folks considered getting a standing desk? Great for your back. I know people who swear by them. https://www.upliftdesk.com/atx-standing-desk-converter/

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Oh we are planning on it but all of us live in short term rentals outside of our home countries mostly so it’s hard to get anything too big until we find a place to settle

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Jun 28Liked by Benjamin Davis

Oh, wonderful! I get a subscription just as you all begin to fall apart! :)

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Love it

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OMG sending you all the biggest supernatural mom level healing vibes. I fuggn appreciate you all and what you are doing because I need it.

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Best Chill Subs newsletter ever! My knee has gone to shit, which may or may not be writing/computer related, but means I can't really even walk a block without excruciating pain. I'm sorry you're all also suffering, but sometimes it's good to know you're not suffering alone.

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Thank you!

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Attn: Ben Davis -- even though I am a paid subscriber, if I try to comment, I keep getting the notice that "this is for paid subscribers only." Why? See below where it says the word "Paid."

Remedy, please?

- - - - - -

Where to submit this week (07.01.24)

Closings, openings, contents, themes, agents, oh my!

Benjamin Davis

and Shannan Mann

Jul 01, 2024

∙ Paid

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I don't know very much about jaw problems, but I have a delicate back. So, my tips are as follows:

—Prevention —


Neck problems cause Lower back problems. Do a full battery of neck stretches (YouTube)


see Mark's comments above, but also adjust it so that your computer keyboard is the right vertical distance from the floor for your height.


Buy shoes that are good for 10,000 steps or over. Swimming is good too.


Yoga is OK, but calesthenics better. Strengthen all your torso muscles front and back.

—Managing a Crisis—

My method step by step:

>Hot shower water falling directly on the lumbars - 5m

>Tens electromagnetic therapy


(Don't buy from Bezos, but that's what they look like)

Set it at 4, for 20m

>apply Bengay or similar

>Nolotil and Anti-inflammatory med


While it's out of whack, you need to sleep with your spine straight: on your side, fetal position

A rolled up towel under your waist, pillow between your legs and head pillow slightly higher than usual.(you'll find the naturally right height for your size)


None. But do lie on the floor and press the small of your back into it. Knees to chest, roll gently. You might be able to hear the click of the vertebra going back into place.

Good luck!! Feel better!!! ❤️

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Sometimes jaw pain can be caused by teeth grinding at night and/or sleeping on your stomach.

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Oh man. I feel this so hard, and my heart bleeds for all of you. Wish I could wave a magic wand and make the pain go away :( for me, 10-20 minutes of yoga (I use YouTube videos and the Nike Training App) in the morning, a 30-min walk around the block each day, and some mobility/light strength training exercises from my physical therapist help a lot.

I got a muscle pull in my back at the beginning of this year literally just from sitting, having poor posture, and being very sedentary. Going to a great physical therapist for six weeks was honestly life-changing. Don't be afraid to reach out to professionals if you have the means. LOTS of people in modern society have these problems, because our bodies weren't meant to sit this much.

Making sure your desk setup has proper postural alignment (and a sit/stand desk), with a super supportive chair can go a long way. And if it's not too weird, giving each other neck/shoulder massages with medium-to-light pressure can bring some pain relief. That might be too chill even for the Chill Subs workplace though, lmao. CBD is great too if it's legal where you are!

Wishing you all a pain-free future!

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That email made me so sad. I feel for all of you. When money comes my way I will send some on. I don't know when that will be, but I will! You are doing a great job.

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Here's what I do to keep the computer from getting the best of me!

It's as simple as setting a timer to remind yourself to take a break every hour. Stand up, stretch, touch your toes, and get that blood flowing. It's easy, and it works!

For bad necks, ensure your monitor is at the correct height for you to sit up straight and that your keyboard is at a neutral position for your arms (not too high, not too low) so they don't get fatigued.

Ice is fantastic for many of the problems you listed. You could keep a supply of gel packs in the freezer at work.

I hope everyone gets better very soon.

Shalom shalom,


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Oh...I love Chlll Subs so much! I'm sorry you guys are feeling unwell! I've been having back problems, neck and shoulder tension and knot pains, and chronic migraines. Probably from deadlines and writing at my desk for hours and way too late into the night. I did however find a really good book that helps with relaxation, muscle pain, headaches and overall managing anxiety, clutter in your mind, overthinking. Also, started to get a deep tissue massage once a month...all I could scrounge up for and, seeing an osteopath. the book I'm reading is STOP OVERTHINKING: Techniques to relieve stress, stop spirals, declutter your mind, and focus on the present. It has helped me immensely. If it sounds like something you'd like it's by Nick Trenton. Anyway, stay healthy, I don't know what I'd do without you guys. You are must appreciated ! And donate to Chill Subs that I can't live without. Take care!

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